Monday, November 8, 2010

tis the season

Our house has been passing around the crud like everyone else this month. As the weather turns cold, the heat comes on and people start sharing some germs. In the past 3 weeks, Lila and I have shared a double ear infection, the flu, a cold, croup and now this past weekend, a sinus infection and bronchitis for me.

I am so done with nasal bulbs, tissues, thermometers, VICKS, steam baths and lots of motrin. Luckily Brian is holding strong and staying away from all the sickness like he and his crazy immune system always do. I am just so glad there is someone to take care of the two sickies!

So how do you stay healthy when every person you pass on the street or in the store is a walking germ factory? Some of these tips sounds awesome...others, not so much.

1. Add these foods to your diet to help boost your immune system: yogurt, garlic, black tea, mushrooms and fatty fish.
2. STAY BACK germs: Make sure you wash often with antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer, use paper towels instead of hand towels, disinfect everything, try not to use your hands on public services and stay 5 feet away from coughing people.
3. Supplement it: Take fish oil, Vitamin D and Zinc.
4. Play hard, sleep hard: Exercise 20-30 minutes a day and sleep at least 7 hours a night.

So which of those have I decided to take on? Well I am definitely down for the yogurt and tea, although my favorite is Pomegranate White Tea from Trader Joe's. I already use my elbows to push elevator buttons and open doors. And who doesn't want 7 hours of sleep a night?? Now if you only my daylight savings challenged baby would oblige.

In order to change
we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired
~Author Unknown

Reprinted from my weekly column at Southern Mommas.


Shannon Hartsoe said...

If you find a way to get 7 hours of sleep with a baby in the house, please let me know! I hope and pray that you both feel better soon and that Brian continues to stay well.

Casey Martinez said...

OUr house too. ug. We drink a glass of orange juice (small) every morning if we have it. I think it helps fight things personally. Also, we don't do the flu shots..eek, I know that is terrible but, my only experience with them has been bad so I don't bother anymore. We get sick one way or another. Also, I tend to lay low a bit more during sick season though that is much easier said than