Thursday, January 14, 2010

doctor doctor give me the news

Brian and I have been excited that we are so ahead on all of Lila's preparations. Why yes, I do have a list taped to my hospital bag of all the things that have to be added at the last minute. Is there something wrong with that?

One thing we have been working on is finding a pediatrician for Lila. You have to have the name of your pediatrician when you go to the hospital, since they schedule a follow-up appointment for the baby within 72 hours of being released. It is hard to narrow down the list of dozens of medical practices when you are not even sure what you are looking for. My major criteria:
1. Have regular hours on nights and weekends
2. Have a pretty, friendly looking office (since it will obviously be my home away from home)
3. Have a nurse advice line (since I don't know what I am doing)
4. Great recommendations from other parents

It might seem like this is a short, easy list, but sadly it is not. Brian and I narrowed it down to two different practices and went for "Meet and Greet" sessions. The worst thing about those meetings is having all these expecting parents rapidly taking notes and trying to look like they have a clue what to ask the doctors. I just nodded my head and said a lot "Hmmmm" and "Exactely. That's great." I think it worked...we finally picked one and no one kicked us out for being incompetent parents-to-be!

First the doctor told me the good news:
I was going to have a disease named after me.
~Steve Martin

1 comment:

Casey Martinez said...

Gosh, I have really got to get the ball rolling on things. I need to find a pediatrician and a nanny, and I should probably think about packing a bag...still need to wash the babies clothes and phew...gotta get rolling:). I'm so impressed with how organized you are Lindsay!