Saturday, April 16, 2011

frosty treats

After two days of helping my parents move from their house into their condo, from their house to the big storage unit with all the overflow furniture and from the smaller storage unit they have been using this past year to the big storage unit. That is a lot of lifting that my legs are not trained to do. Did I mention their condo is on the third floor? Man, that karma from when I lived on a third floor apartment in college is coming back to me. Moving karma sucks.

I was so glad to see them settled into their new place and ready for their new life after leaving the home we grew up in. For one, they are now 15 minutes away instead of 40 minutes. And they will be looking for a new house soon that better fits their life with lots more living space and lots less bedrooms.

But after all those flights of stairs, I was exhausted. Brian had to leave straight from moving this morning to his part time job serving tables. That means he has been at work or helping move boxes for two straight days from sun-up to well after sun-down. And what did I see when he dragged himself in the door tonight? His smiling face and a Wendy's frosty.
"Hi sweetie! I thought you could probably use a treat after your long day."
I love this man so much.

Chains do not hold a marriage together.
It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.
~Simone Signoret

1 comment:

Casey Martinez said...

I am seeing a pattern of amazing hubby awards on the blogs lately. We are really lucky gals to have such awesome guys!! Way to go Brian!